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Meet the Team Monday - Rob Cockroft

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

With our customers located not only throughout the UK but internationally, and having spent the past 18+ months unable to travel as we would like due to Coronavirus, we want to show you the faces behind the telephone numbers here at Home n' Dry.

We will begin with Rob Cockroft, UK Technical and Sales:

"Since an early age I have always been interested in agriculture, working on a local mixed farm in Booth, Halifax, until I left school. Up until the age of 21 I worked on the same farm, while also attending college and getting the necessary qualifications.

I spent the next 10 years working at Weeton Herd in Lancashire, starting as general farm worker to eventually managing the herd. This is where I gained a vast knowledge of working with cows on a herd basis and also as individuals; getting them ready for shows and embryo work. I learnt a lot about nutrition, working closely with their nutritionist, putting in to practice what diets he suggested and watching for changes in the cows. I then reported back to him with the changes that I saw.

I wanted to pursue the nutrition route so I was offered a position to develop an area in west Yorkshire for Lloyds Animal Feeds where I gained a vast of experience as a sales advisor and picked up a number of customers, as I could relate to what was happening on farm and putting a practical solution to them.

Around 8 years ago I started working for myself and was introduced to the Home n' Dry team. To me, this was a piece of the jigsaw that I was looking for - feeding more home cereals treated with home n dry to make them alkaline must surly help. I was offered a position in the team 7 years ago and see alkaline feeds as a valuable part of the nutrition for dairy, beef and sheep farmers.

When not working I enjoy cricket, the occasional game of football for the local vets team and spending time with my family."

Please do not hesitate to contact Rob with any UK Sales & Technical enquiries, using the details below:

Tel. 07748 651906

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