Tom Pemberton, a farmer based in Lytham on the Fylde coast, has taken delivery of his first load of Alkabarley from Taylors Grain Farm Services.
Many readers may know Tom, as he has been showcasing the farm and his day to day working routines through his own dedicated YouTube channel for many years. Tom, along with his dad 'The Ginger Warrior', have built up a following of tens of thousands of fans all around the world.
Alkagrain is cereal treated with our Home n' Dry pellets, in this case barley to make Alkabarley. The result is an alkaline, air-stable, high starch feed material with added protein, to allow greater use of cereals in diets for dairy, beef and sheep.
Home n' Dry can be used to treat any cereal crop, either at harvest or throughout the year. The grain can be rolled or crimped before clamping, or before feed-out. Or like Tom, you can purchase pre-treated grain (Alkagrain) from Taylors in Ormskirk.
Using Alkagrain provides numerous advantages:
Maximise crop utilisation, as the mature grain has optimum starch levels
The alkalinity helps buffer rumen pH and safely increase cereal content of the diet
Simple production method makes Alkagrain an attractive alternative to Soda Grain
Reduce the risk of Sub Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA)
Increased grain protein levels allow a reduction of bought in protein costs
Cost effective supply of both starch and protein
No drying costs are required
Alkalised diets when incorporated into a balanced diet, can help improve rumen pH and function, supporting performance and animal health. Alkagrain is a proven method of safely feeding higher levels of starch with home-grown cereals in diets for ruminants.
To find out more, please contact us or give one of our technical sales specialists a call...
GB Enquiries: 01200 613118
Technical Sales Specialists: 07748 651906 / 07930 943073
International Enquiries: +44 (0) 1200 445525